Knee replacement surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States today, with 780,000 surgeries expected in 2023. The majority of patients will benefit from less pain and a more active lifestyle because of the procedure. However, some people are disappointed with the rehabilitation and outcome of a knee replacement.
Agreement with the prescribed physical therapy routine is essential for a speedy recovery. The supporting muscles around the new joint must acquire strength following surgery for the joint to feel right.
Whether you do your exercises at home or with a physical therapist, you must follow the recommended timetable and perform the exercises carefully.
It is common for the knee joint to be uncomfortable after physical therapy. Pain can be relieved with ice, elevation, and pain medications. As long as you follow your doctor’s pain management plan, there is no reason to be concerned about pain medication addiction.
Seventies and Noncompliance with Physical Therapist-Recommended Exercise Regimens
After a knee replacement, active engagement in physical therapy is required. If you do not walk around frequently, change postures, and execute your prescribed workouts, you risk acquiring joint stiffness.
If you stay inactive following surgery, you risk a plethora of other problems. The doctors do not expect you to run a marathon right after surgery, but frequent mobility and adherence to your workout regimen are essential.
Adequate hydration is essential after knee replacement surgery. This ensures that anesthetic medications are flushed out after surgery and keeps blood pressure within a safe range, reducing the likelihood of complications.
- Protein-rich diets aid in wound healing and recovery. A high-antioxidant diet also helps to reduce pro-inflammatory activity after surgery. So eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, like berries.
- Sugary foods should be avoided since they induce inflammation, which can hinder wound healing.
- Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with antibiotics and medications given after surgery.
Here we have discussed the mistakes that patients make after just getting their knee surgery. Make sure to follow all the steps to prevent knee problems.
Too soon returning to work
After a knee replacement, your full-time duty is to maximize your recovery. You only have one shot at success. We want you to get it right.
Consider light duty or altered hours if your job demands you to return to work right away. It is vital that you concentrate all of your efforts and attention on a successful recovery. Allow your body to rest before returning to work. Your body requires rest and time to get back to a normal routine.
Failure to use accessible pain management methods
Following knee replacement surgery, pain is to be expected. Use these various methods to manage your pain and exercise.
- Using Ice
- Repositioning
- Elevation
- Integrative/Alternative Therapies
- Pain medications
We do not want you to show up to your post-off session with a limited range of motion because you were in too much discomfort to work with your physical therapist. You enter a vicious loop when you do not regulate your pain. You limit your movement because you are in pain.
When you limit your mobility, your joint stiffens and becomes more painful, causing you to restrict your movement even more, exacerbating the discomfort.
Try to take your prescribed medicines on time and hydrate yourself. We understand that some people are concerned about becoming addicted to such medications. Addiction to pain medication is extremely unlikely if it is taken as prescribed and under the care of your surgeon.
Failure to implement a post-surgery strategy
Patients who do not have a safe plan in place before surgery may spend more time in the hospital and frequently experience more problems in their first days at home. Your support worker is expected to provide transportation to appointments, help with meal preparation, and assist with other domestic tasks. It is also vital that the healing facility is ready for you when you arrive.
Excessive exertion or participation in high-risk activities
It is quite easy to overdo things following surgery; you must give your body time to recover. We want you to move, so there is a fine line here. Severe pain or swelling are signs that you have gone too far.
Following knee replacement surgery, many patients prioritize regaining independence. However, removing assistive devices like crutches or walkers too soon might lead to compensating tendencies and poor walking mechanics. It is vital to focus on regaining your steps before removing these gadgets. Patients who rush their recovery and abandon their assistive equipment too soon may damage their rehabilitation since their legs have not yet developed sufficient strength.
Patients should be able to focus on regulating their posture or walking mechanics, in general. Concentrating on full hip extension, knee extension, and ankle mobility will improve your ability to move your leg correctly and reduce the impression of instability while standing or walking.
While it may be tempting to rush back to full strength following surgery, focusing on fluid mobility and range of motion with physical therapy comes first. Many patients should prioritize activities that reduce edema and increase joint mobility. Gentle active range of motion (AROM) knee replacement exercises and Yoga workouts can significantly aid your recovery. Long-term strength can be rebuilt by reducing edema and improving joint motion.
Engaging in High-Risk Activity
Going out and digging snow, for example, would be excessive in the first two weeks after surgery. Your reaction time will be slower than usual, increasing your chances of falling and injuring yourself. It is critical to avoid falls, move cautiously, and follow post-operative recommendations from your surgeon and rehabilitation team.
You can maximize the benefits of knee replacement surgery and ensure a faster recovery by avoiding these common errors. Following the appropriate medication regimen, using proper icing techniques, progressively transitioning away from assistive devices, allowing ample healing before returning to work, and focusing on fluid mobility and AROM exercises can all help to decrease your knee replacement recovery time. Throughout your recovery, seek specific counsel from your physical therapist for better Health and fitness, Click here.